Books & Historical Works about Ybor City's History

Images of America: Ybor City, by A.M. de Quesada (1999)
Pacheco's Art of the Cubans in Exile, by Ferdie Pacheco, M.D. (2000)
Southern Discomfort: Women's Activism in Tampa, Florida, 1880s-1920s, by Nancy A. Hewitt (2003)
Tampa Bay: Cradle of Cuban Liberty, Book Three of the Cigar City Trilogy, by Loy Glenn Westfall (2000)
The Columbia Restaurant: Celebrating a Century of History, Culture, and Cuisine, by Andrew T. Huse (2009)
The Columbia Restaurant Spanish Cookbook, by Adela Hernandez Gonzmart and Ferdie Pacheco (1995)
The Immigrant World of Ybor City: Italians and Their Latin Neighbors in Tampa, 1885-1985, by Gary R. Mormino and George E. Pozzetta (1998)
Ybor City: Crucible of the Latina South, by Dr. Sarah McNamara (2023)
Ybor City: Its Story in Pictures, Phil Sauerbrun (2024)
Ybor City, National Historic Landmark District, Pocket Guide, 2022, by Phil Sauerbrun
Ybor City: The Making of a Landmark Town, Frank Trebín Lastra