
The Ybor City Historical Society is dedicated to preserving and sharing the unique story of Ybor City through exhibits at the Tampa Baseball Museum at the Al Lopez House, outreach through our new Rollin' Through History mobile museum, as well as through special events throughout the year. See what is coming up and join us in celebrating the historic cultural community of Ybor City.

The "Rollin' Through History" mobile museum is a complimentary program where the Ybor City Historical Society visits your location with a traveling exhibit including pictures, banners, and artifacts.

The Tampa Baseball Museum at the Al Lopez House provides 135 years of Tampa's baseball history.
Education Programs
Education Material
The Ybor City Historical Society is committed to educating the community about the unique historical district of Ybor City by providing material and directing researchers to other educational resources for Ybor's history.
Fernando's Footsteps
“Fernando’s Footsteps,” a fascinating, semi-fictional story, written by author and Tampa native Tony Carreño, follows the journey of a young 18-year-old Spanish immigrant from Asturias Spain. Fernando immigrates to the United States via Cuba in 1900 and seeks a new life in Ybor City.